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John McGlothlin, Jr.

Tip Jar asked John McGlothlin, Jr.

20 Questions

1. How old were you when you knew your life was going to be art? Five or six.


2. When did you start for real? Eleven


3. Were you single minded in this pursuit or did you train/educate for a "real" job? Always knew I wanted to experience art...especially music. Took some college and trade school coarses...but got bored and distracted by the possibility of joining (another) band.


4. School - Did it help, hinder, or immaterial? Formal education was a help...kept me in line and managed to learn useful things that would shape my career


5. Who supported your decisions? My parents and friends. And, later, my wife.


6. Do you have family?  And where are they? My immediate family lives in Texas. My wife and I had a son, who passed at age 16. That was a life changer.


7. What gigs stand out to you, looking back? Most memorable gigs include any shows working with Will Indian (especially the month we spent in Helsinki; Smithsonian Folklife Festival in DC; Chicken Shit Bingo with The Skyline Wranglers; Strawberry Fest in California (with James Hand).


8. Who did you like performing with? Morning Sky; Ten Cent Koke; Rhythm Rats; Roy Heinrich; Walt Lewis Band; Jim Stringer; James Slim Hand; Skyline  Wranglers.


9. What do you see as your best work? The maple drum kit i built in 1994; James Hand album 'Shadow on the Ground'; Skyline Wranglers album 'Slippin' Around'


10. Has your outlook on fame changed since you've achieved it? Fame is illusive at best. I'm grateful for what I've learned and continue to learn on my journey.


11. Has notoriety changed you? It has made me more aware of my capabilities, and my faults.


12. Do you feel satisfied with yourself?  I'm happier than I've ever been.


13. How do you want to be remembered? As a caring and useful human being, and a fun guy to jam with.


14. What are you currently working on? Still have to albums in the with Jim Stringer, and one with T Jarrod Bonta. Also refurbishing two vintage drum kits.


15. Is it as easy as it looks? No...never is.


16. Is it fun? Yes!


18. What would you say to wannabee performers? If you're serious about performing, surround yourself with the best players you can find, that are a joy to work with.


19. Do you have pets, what kind? My dachshund 'BoBo' (11yrs old) is the coolest dog I've ever known.


20. What's more important - Talent or hard work? Hard work...but talent sure helps.


21 Xtra. What is your take on MP3 downloads? OK, I is speeding up, and we just have to learn to adapt.




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