Welcome to Tip Jar Magazine, November 2018
Rick "Casper" Rawls
Tip Jar asked Rick "Casper" Rawls
20 Questions
1. How old were you when you knew your life was going to be art? 3rd grade, Helotes Elementary.
2. When did you start for real? First received compensation for playing music when I was 11 years old.
3. Were you single minded in this pursuit or did you train/educate for a "real" job? I always played music whenever I could once I started. Still learning, really. But U.T. for real in Journalism.
4. School - Did it help, hinder, or immaterial? Knowledge always helps if you let it.
5. Who supported your decisions? Parents and brother early on. Along the way some very successful people have patted me on the back and encouraged.me.
6. Do you have family? And where are they? Beloved Wife. Uncles and Aunts in Texas, Louisiana, and Virginia, Brother and his family in Texas. My wife's niece in Mississippi.
7. What gigs stand out to you, looking back? Good or bad? There have been many of both.
8. Who did you like performing with? Without name dropping, almost everyone. There are however a few people I did not enjoy performing with. Nope, I'll never tell.
9. What do you see as your best work? Hasn't happened yet.
10. Has your outlook on fame changed since you've achieved it? Fame is in the eye of the beholder.
11. Has notoriety changed you? I hope not.
12. Do you feel satisfied with yourself? Yes, and very blessed.
13. How do you want to be remembered? Really up to those doing the remembering.
14. What are you currently working on? Promoting my first CD project "Brave World".
15. Is it as easy as it looks? The playing music part, easier. Everything else, not so much.
16. Is it fun? Playing music is absolutely fun.
18. What would you say to wannabee performers? No need to wannabee...just do it.
19. Do you have pets, what kind? 3 dogs.
20. What's more important - Talent or hard work? These days every bit of both. Plus patience, perseverance, and a positive outlook in the face of adversity. Plenty of that in this business.
21 Xtra. What is your take on MP3 downloads? Sure, why not.