Welcome to Tip Jar Magazine, November 2018
Willie Pipkin
Tip Jar asked Willie Pipken
20 Questions.
1. How old were you when you knew your life was going to be art? I guess since I can remember. My mother always gave me books about artists when I was really young . She always knew I guess.
2. When did you start for real? I started playing guitar at 15 yrs old after Clifford Antone took me to his club to hear music.
3. Were you single minded in this pursuit or did you train/educate for a "real" job? I hung wallpaper for 5 years or so just as a backup but not much else.
4. School - Did it help, hinder, or immaterial? I didn't care much for school so I stopped going.
5. Who supported your decisions? My family has always supported my path.
6. Do you have family? And where are they? My folks along with my two brothers all live here in Austin.
7. What gigs stand out to you, looking back? It's hard to pick one because I've had so many great ones . One that stands out recently was playing guitar for Lazy Lester!
8. Who did you like performing with?
All my bands! Jo's House Band on Sundays , Little Elmore Reed on Mondays, Toni Price on Tuesdays, Evangeline Peacemakers on Wednesdays , Tameca Jones on Thursdays , and Warren Hood on the weekends.
9. What do you see as your best work? The last Warren Hood record was pretty cool.
10. Has your outlook on fame changed since you've achieved it? I'm not sure I have.
11. Has notoriety changed you?
Again, I'm not sure about that but I can tell you that I love the life I live.
12. Do you feel satisfied with yourself? I'm happy with things I get to do but as an artist in not sure if I will ever be satisfied
13. How do you want to be remembered? As someone who always played from the heart.
14. What are you currently working on? When I'm at home I've been working on acoustic blues stuff like Lightin' Hopkins, etc.
15. Is it as easy as it looks? Try it out and see.
16. Is it fun? Absolutely!
18. What would you say to wannabee performers? Remember that the music itself is the reward.
19. Do you have pets? What kind? No pets.
20. What's more important - Talent or hard work? Hmm probably hard work . I've heard many people who can't sing in tune to save there life have successful careers just by busting ass . But then again..
21. Xtra. What is your take on MP3 downloads? I would rather have vinyl.