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Andrew Naf

Tip Jar asked Andrew Naf

20 Questions.

1. How old were you when you knew your life was going to be art? Probably around eleven. 


2. When did you start for real? Thirteen.


3. Were you single minded in this pursuit or did you train/educate for a "real" job? Totally single minded. I did get an undergraduate degree in liberal arts, but I never did much except show up for class. I was too busy playing gigs!


4. School - Did it help, hinder, or immaterial? At various times, all of the above.


5. Who supported your decisions? Everyone. My dad thought I was a little nuts, but he was still supportive. 


6. Do you have family?  And where are they? My wife and my daughter are here with me in Austin. Somehow, my parents both ended up living in central Texas as well.


7. What gigs stand out to you, looking back? Some do stand out, but I don't know why. Something interesting seems to happen at almost every gig. 


8. Who did you like performing with? Anybody that can play and has a good attitude. 


9. What do you see as your best work? No one recording in particular. If anything, I would like to think that I have improved over time and that is what I am proud of. 


10. Has your outlook on fame changed since you've achieved it? I'll let you know when I have achieved it!


11. Has noteriety changed you? Am I notorious? ):


12. Do you feel satisfied with yourself? Absolutely. The easiest way to be satisfied is to stay true to who you are. 


13. How do you want to be remembered? Pleasantly. 


14. What are you currently working on? Teaching Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star to my daughter.


15. Is it as easy as it looks? If you are working to hard, you are doing it wrong. 


16. Is it fun? It better be. Otherwise there ain't much reason to do it!


18. What would you say to wannabee performers? Everybody has something to learn from somebody. Always be gracious with your attitude and generous with your knowledge.


19. Do you have pets, what kind? One cat, two dogs. 


20. What's more important - Talent or hard work? Hard work. Anyday. 


21 Xtra. What is your take on MP3 downloads? The music business has completely changed. There is no point in complaining about it. Musicians need to focus on creating a new business model.  

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